Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^DwightJM$
Year : 1867
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. [Hilgenfeldt, C. L.]Bach's works (From 'John Sebastian Bach: his Life and' 'Writings'. Adapted from the German of C. L. Hilgenfeldt, with additions from other sources, as published in the London 'Choir'). To be continued. DwightJM 26 23 2 Feb 1867 385
2. [Hilgenfeldt, C. L.]Bach's works (Continued from page 385). To be continued. DwightJM 26 24 16 Feb 1867 396-397
3. [Hilgenfeldt, C. L.]Bach's works (Continued from page 397). To be continued. DwightJM 26 25 2 Mar 1867 403
4. [anon.]Symphony concerts. [Harvard Musical Association: Mrs. J. S. Cary, Perabo. Beethoven, Violin Concerto. Bach, Chaconne for solo violin; Carl Rosa. Zerrahn (programme)] [BWV 1004/5] DwightJM 26 26 16 Mar 1867 414
5. [Hilgenfeldt, C. L.]Bach's works (Continued from, vol. XXVI, page 378). To be continued. DwightJM 27 1 30 Mar 1867 3
6. [Hilgenfeldt, C. L.]Bach's works (Continued from page 13). To be continued. DwightJM 27 4 11 May 1867 26
7. [Hilgenfeldt, C. L.]Bach's works (Continued from page 26). To be continued. DwightJM 27 5 25 May 1867 34
8. [anon.]Music abroad. Germany. Hildesheim. [Bach, 'Matthäus-Passion'; Nick (conductor), Mme Joachim, Denner, Bletzmacher ('Musical World')] DwightJM 27 9 20 Jul 1867 70
9. [Franz, Robert]Bach's sacred works -- His 'Magnificat' described by Robert Franz. [1] DwightJM 27 12 31 Aug 1867 94-95
10. [Franz, Robert]Bach's 'Magnificat', described by Robert Franz (II, III, IV, V). DwightJM 27 13, 14, 15 14, 28 Sep; 12, 26 Oct 1867 102; 110-111; 118; 126
11. [anon.]Music in musicians' letters (From the London 'Chronicle'). ['Letters of Distinguished Musicians: Gluck, Haydn,' 'P. E. Bach, Weber, Mendelssohn', translated from the German by Lady Wallace (London: Longmans)] DwightJM 27 18 23 Nov 1867 137-138
12. [Hilgenfeldt, C. L.]John Sebastian Bach (Concluding chapters from his 'Life and Writings', by C. L. Hilgenfeldt). (X) Opinions of Bach's contemporaries. (XI) Portraits of Bach. (XII) Conclusion. DwightJM 27 19 7 Dec 1867 147

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita